Payment Policy

At Smartzstores, we accept all major credit cards and payments made through PayPal. Payment must be made in full before your order is shipped.

Our products are personalized and handcrafted according to your specific designs and requests. We will begin processing your order once payment is confirmed.

How to Place a Payment

To complete your payment:

  1. Click on either the “Proceed To Checkout” or “PayPal Checkout” buttons on our website.
  2. You will be directed to the selected payment-processing page.

Please Note: We only process payments through PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to pay with a credit card; simply use the “Checkout With PayPal” option on the checkout page to pay securely as a guest.

Why PayPal?
PayPal is a safer, easier way to send and receive money online. With PayPal, you can pay using:

  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express)
  • Debit Card
  • E-check (directly from your bank account)

After viewing your items on the checkout page, simply click “Checkout with PayPal.” You’ll leave our site and enter PayPal’s secure website. You can either log in to an existing PayPal account or create a new one if needed.

Benefits of Using PayPal

  • Traceable Payments: You can monitor the status of your payment directly through your PayPal account.
  • Secure Transactions: Pay with your bank account or credit card without sharing your card details online. PayPal hides your credit card information to minimize the risk of unauthorized use.
  • Data Privacy: Your credit card information is neither processed through nor stored on Smartzstores’s servers, ensuring additional security.

For any questions regarding payments, you can contact us at [email protected].